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The Ultimate Guide to Home Security Camera Laws in Australia

Home security camera on the outside of a house with a neighbour's house in the background

Can you record audio of a private conversation in Australia? Can you put up a security camera without permission in Australia? Can a neighbour have security cameras pointed at my house in Australia?

These are common questions, and we’ll cover these and more in our blog post covering all of the home security camera laws Australia-wide. 

If you are interested in adding home security cameras or a security system to your residence, our security system installers have laid out the essential rules and laws to be aware of in Australia. 

Home Security Camera Laws Australia

Specific home security camera laws vary by territory and state regarding audio and visual recordings. There are also separate laws for residential and commercial security camera applications. 

For information on residential security in Australia, you can find details from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The OAIC site recommends homeowners check with their local councils regarding important local security laws, rights, and rules. 

States and territories have varying guidelines regarding visual or audio recordings. Generally, states and territories are more strict when it comes to audio recordings compared to video footage. 

It is crucial to note that even if a state or territory permits audio recordings with consent, this does not mean it is legal to share the footage. Even if audio was recorded with consent, individuals must seek legal advice regarding the sharing or distribution of any audio recordings. 

Read on for a general breakdown of security camera laws Australia, sorted into convenient sections based on state and territory: 

Home Security Camera Laws WA

Here are the key points regarding the home security camera laws in Western Australia: 

  • Private conversations that you are not involved in are illegal to record 
  • If you want to legally record a conversation you are a part of, you need consent from everyone involved 
  • Recording a private activity requires the explicit consent of anyone involved
  • You do not need permission to install security cameras in Western Australia but professional installation requires a licensed technician 

For more details on security laws Western Australia, check out this Privacy Fact Sheet from the Citizens Advice Bureau

Home Security Camera Laws NSW

The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW) prohibits: 

  • Private conversations that you are not involved in are illegal to record 
  • If you want to legally record a conversation you are a part of, you need consent from everyone involved 
  • Recording a private activity requires the explicit consent of anyone involved

You do not need permission to install security cameras in New South Wales

For more details on the security camera laws in NSW, you can read the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NSW).

Home Security Camera Laws NT

The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (NT) prohibits: 

  • Recording private activities without the consent of those involved 
  • Recording audio unless you have direct content of everyone involved (this pertains to all audio, whether you are directly involved or not) 

For a comprehensive list of details from The Surveillance Devices Act 2007 for the Northern Territory, you can learn more here

Home Security Camera Laws Tasmania

Below is a summary of the home security camera laws in Tasmania: 

  • Recording audio from private conversations is illegal (even if you are involved in the conversation) without consent from all parties involved
  • Using a voice recorder to listen to private conversations is illegal without consent
  • There may be exceptions to the audio recording laws in certain situations (situations involving serious property damage or violence)
  • Tasmania’s laws do not specifically address video recording. However, aside from public places that lack an expectation of privacy, it is important to get the consent of any party involved if you want to record video footage.

For more details about the specific security camera laws in Tasmania, view additional information here: Listening Devices Act 1991 Tasmania

Home Security Camera Laws ACT

For home security camera laws in ACT, the Listening Devices Act 1992 (ACT) states that it is a punishable offence for a person to record private conversations. 

This even pertains to conversations you are a part of or have gotten consent to record.  

The Listening Devices Act 1992 (ACT) does not list regulations for visual footage from security cameras. Consult local laws or seek legal advice if needed. 

CCTV installer installing a security camera inside of a house.

Home Security Camera Laws Queensland

Takeaways from the home security camera laws in Queensland:

  • Do not record anyone without their consent in areas that are expected to be private, such as bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Do not position security cameras facing your neighbours’ backyard or pool. It is recommended to speak with your neighbours if you choose to put up security cameras. Make them aware of the security cameras, face the cameras away from their space, and try to ensure all parties are comfortable. 
  • Check with your body corporate for specifics on placing security cameras in Queensland 
  • It is illegal to record conversations you are not a part of. However, you may be able to record audio if you are involved in the conversation. Specific rules for audio recordings apply, though, so be sure to check local regulations and seek legal advice if necessary. 

For privacy complaints, individuals can take their concerns to the Queensland Police Service, a community mediation service, or the state or territory’s Attorney General’s Department. 

Additional information about the security camera laws in Queensland can be found here: The Invasion of Privacy Act 1971 (Qld).

Home Security Camera Laws SA

Security camera laws in South Australia are similar to other states and territories.

In South Australia, it is illegal to: 

  • Record audio from private conversations without direct consent from everyone involved
  • Record private activities without the consent of all parties involved  

For more information, you can read the Surveillance Devices Act 2016.

Home Security Camera Laws Victoria

Key takeaways from the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic) include: 

  • If a person is involved in a conversation, they can record the audio with consent from involved parties
  • It is illegal to record private activities without explicit permission from anyone involved  

For more info, see the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic)


Is it legal to record audio with my security cameras?

Just because a security camera is capable of recording audio, it does not mean you can/should use it. Many homeowners choose to disable the audio recording feature on security cameras due to the strict laws in many states and territories. 

In many areas, it is illegal to record audio if you aren’t part of the conversation. Even if you are involved in the conversation, it is necessary to get consent from anyone present to record audio. 

Do I need permission to put up my security camera in Australia?

You do not need permission to put up a security camera in your residence. However, if you are renting, it is essential to notify your landlord. If you choose to put up a security camera, make sure you are not recording private activities or conversations and be mindful of where it is placed. 

Can neighbours have security cameras towards your house?

This depends on the laws in your specific state and territory. However, it is illegal to record in private places such as bedrooms and bathrooms. If you have concerns about a neighbour’s security camera, get in touch with your local police or community justice centre, or seek legal advice. 

Can you complain about neighbours’ CCTV?

If your neighbour has a security camera pointed at your house and you’re worried about your privacy, first try to talk to your neighbour. If this doesn’t fix the problem, you could ask your local community justice or neighbourhood mediation centre for help.

CCTV Camera and Alarm System Installation in Australia

Home security systems are becoming an increasingly popular way to protect residences and deter crime in Australia. 

If you are interested in bumping up your home security, we have you covered. We offer installations for CCTV systems, alarm systems, data points and cabling, and antennas and cabling.

Many people worry a professional security system will break the bank, but we keep our services affordable without compromising on quality. 

Contact us today for a free quote on our CCTV systems and alarm system installation services.